Sportsmanship is the combination of many positive qualities such as respect, responsibility, discipline, self-awareness, self-control, humility, accountability and gratitude.
Sportsmanship also keeps the game fun and avoids it been taken too seriously.
The following Code of Conduct is vital to our success and ensure that everyone playing and participating in our sessions is both aware of and agrees to follow the Park Footballers Code of Conduct so we can keep the game fun and enjoyable for all!
The Code of Conduct has been included into the Park Footballer registration process to ensure all participants are aware of this, and by registering and participating in any Park Footballer program, activity, session or game then its assumed that all have read and agreed with the Park Footballer's Code of Conduct.
We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour and positive attitude in programs, activity, sessions or games.
Play your part and make The Park Footballer a great experience for all involved by observing The Park Footballer's Code of Conduct.
On and off the field, when in The Park Footballer program I will:
· Adhere to the rules of the game / activity.
· Display and promote high standards of sportsmanship at all times.
· Promote Fair Play.
· Always respect the referee, umpire or session leaders decisions.
· Never engage in public criticism of the Park Footballers referee / umpire, coaches or session leaders or other players.
· Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour.
· Never engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment.
· Speak to my Park Footballer teammates, opposition players and any of The Park Footballer staff/coaches with respect. This includes any staff and/or volunteers at any of the sites in which the program operates.
· Remember we all make mistakes.
· Win or lose with dignity. Shake hands or high five all players and any match officials at the end of every game.
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by The Park Footballer management and that their decision is final...
· Be required to apologise to my Park Footballer mates, any match official or The Park Footballer session leader / manager.
· Receive a warning from The Park Footballer manager.
· Receive a written warning from the Park Footballer manager.
· Be removed from activities, programs or games immediately.
· Be suspended from the Park Footballer programs, activities and/or games.
· Be required to leave The Park Footballer program(s).